Friday, October 21, 2005

Phoning it in - Part two

Buffalo Bob had probably been my dad's closest friend over the last few years and I wanted him to speak at his services. I had already heard from Number 2 that he didn't really want to but I had to find out for myself.

"Buffalo Bob, I'd really like it if you could say somethings about my Dad at the services."

I had managed to get the question out but now tears were holding an impromptu drag race down my cheeks.

I heard Buffalo Bob exhale and I knew he wasn't going to do it.

"VW, I loved your dad but I just don't think I could do it. First of all, I don't want to embarass myself because I know that I couldn't get through it without crying up a storm. And you may not realize it but there will be some people that show up to your dad's services that I know he wasn't very happy with. If I see them and have a microphone in front of me, I don't know what will come out of my mouth."

I understood. Buffalo Bob is from the generation where it is truly a sign of weakness to show that type of emotion. I was asking him to do the impossible.

I also didn't want my dad's services to denegrate into some sort of shouting match between guys in their 60's...but I was getting curious about the real story of my dad's sudden retirement. What REALLY went on? And who did Buffalo Bob hold responsible for it?

"VW, now isn't the time to talk about this. But when you're ready, call me and we'll go to lunch and I'll let you know what I know."

I ended the conversation and told Buffalo Bob I was looking forward to seeing him on Thursday.

I still had other phone calls to make.



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