Tuesday, October 11, 2005

We interrupt this blog to bring you this important announcement...

This week has been a difficult week for me. I've been pretty down about things and it has come through loud and clear to those that I'm closest to.

I didn't understand why this was going on until just a few minutes ago. My family is approaching the first significant date since my father passed.

In less than three hours, the Chicken turns two.

We'll have a party for the family on Saturday with a Blue's Clues bounce house and a Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake that we'll probably let the Chicken demolish.

And, at Number 2's request, we'll leave an empty chair in shade reserved for my Dad.

The Commander thinks that I'm just going to let tomorrow go by like any other day...she's wrong.

Sometime tomorrow morning, a balloon bouquet will be delievered for the Chicken. It is totally something out of my Dad's playbook. Get your kid something that they'll be excited about and don't tell your wife ahead of time...because the surprise is just as much for her.

It is a pretty safe bet that I'll get a call from the Commander in the morning and she'll be crying because of how I signed the card.

"Dear Chicken,

I hope you have a happy day!
I love you more than all the fishies in the sea!

Love, Daddy"



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