Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Tomb with a View - part two

The perfectly manicured greenbelts stretched as far as our eyes could see as the sales counselor drove Number 2 and I to two potential sites for my father's burial.

At a couple of the graves, people have beach chairs and appear to be spending time with those that had passed. Floral arrangements and pinwheels dot the hillside. I can't imagine that we will ever do any of these things. This may be the only time I visit the gravesite.

We park at the first site and walk down a 40 degree angle to where there are some available plots. The sales counselor keeps taking about how he just has a bunch of "singles" in this area. It takes me a while to figure out that he's telling us that if we want to be buried with our father, it won't be possible here. I shake my head in disgust. I don't know if he's paid on commission but there is only going to be one sale here today.

We head back to the mini-van and all of us have trouble getting back up this hill. It does have a great vista but if my grandparents ever want to come out here, they definitely won't be able to make it. We need to check out the other site.

There's only one single left in the next site. It will have a view of three lakes that are being built. It is also right on a corner of the lot. If we wanted to, we could pull right up to this site. We could even just drive by and drop off flowers during a Chinese fire drill.

It is perfect.

Number 2 agrees and we become land owners in Whittier, CA.



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