Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Day After - part two

I pulled up in front of my dad's house and Number 2 was right behind me. The last thing that I wanted was to give anyone a chance to break in a steal anything. It's not like it is a bad neighborhood (although it does scare the Commander) but I wanted to eliminate the opportunity.

Moondoggie popped out of his unit as soon as he saw us walk up.

"Hey guys. I havne't had a chance to clean up yet. I'm going to go in there a little later today. Should I clean out the refrigerator too?"

I hadn't thought of that. There's a lot of stuff. I haven't thought about yet. I'm too consumed with the thought, GET EVERYTHING OUT OF THIS HOUSE.

I knew I wanted the guns out of there but bringing them back to my house was not an option. I knew there would be some cash in the house. Could be just a couple hundred bucks but it could be thousands. And there was something else that I knew needed to go today.

The porn stash.

The house looked different in daylight. The freshly painted swiss coffee walls looked just a little TOO white. It didn't really feel like anyone lived here. It was too cold.

Number 2 went into the bedroom where the guns were and I started to look at the paper work left behind on his dining room table. It was going to take me a full day to organize this and it wasn't going to be today.

"I've got six handguns in here!" yelled Number 2.

Shit. That seems like a lot of guns to me. I walked into the bedroom and flinched as I saw Number 2 checking the chamber on one of the handguns.

"Jesus, Number 2! Do you have to do this now? I don't want anyone getting shot today," I said.

"Listen, VW. Dad knew that you could take care of the money and he knew I could take care of the guns. Let's just stick to worrying about what each one of us is good at," said Number 2.

He was right.

I started checking all of the places that my Dad used to hide cash and I ended up finding about $400. "Put it in the Chicken's college fund," said Number 2. I thought to myself that we were standing in the Chicken's college fund.

I ran out of places to check for cash. It was time to look for the porn.

One of the casulties of my parents divorce was an incredible Playboy collection that my Mom threw away immediately after the separation. There wasn't going to be anything worth keeping in what we found on this day but it was worth getting rid of just in case my grandparents came over on the day of the memorial services.

We had one more thing that we needed to pick up - clothes that my dad would be buried in. I pulled out some of his dry cleaning that was still in the plastic and his very worn, very stinky two-tone blue Vans slip ons.

After an hour, I had been there long enough. I took the cash, the clothes, and the stinky shoes. My brother took the guns.

And the dumpster divers of Long Beach got the first crack at some pretty bad porn.


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