Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Treasure of the Sierra Padre

There was quite a bit of activity at my house upon my return.

Number 2 was there playing with the Chicken. Big Daddy and my mother-in-law were also there and they had brought over Nerdle, the Commander's younger sister. The Commander was right behind me with the first of many treasures that I would find over the next couple of months.

The memory display that she had created for my dad was complete and it was time for the big reveal.

Number 2's voice cracked as he looked at all of the pictures that the Commander's team had put together.

"It's perfect."

And it really was perfect. It was such a loving tribute not only to my dad but my entire family.

I have always felt like I was part of the Commander's family but today was the first day that I really felt that the Commander was a part of mine.

There is a picture on this display that I love. It was taken in 1972 at Disneyland. It's just me and my dad and we are on King Arthur Carrousel in Fantasyland. I think that the Chicken and I will have to take a picture in the same location sometime soon (but I won't have her go on the Carrousel, they freak her out).

While everyone was chatting about anything except for my dad's funeral, I started to go through some of the boxes that I had already retrieved from my dad's house.

I almost immediately stumbled on a video tape that had my dad's name on it.

I took to the tape into the computer room and quickly tried to decide if I was going to watch it or not.

The tape could have something totally disturbing on it.

Or the tape could be a message from beyond.

I pressed play on the VCR and quickly thought to myself, "Pleasedon'tbeahomemadesextape.Pleasedon'tbeahomemadesextape.Pleasedon'tbeahomemadesextape.Pleasedon'tbeahomemadesextape."

A time code on the tape reveals that this was shot 5 years ago. It looks like some sort of conference room with flip charts everywhere.

In the center of the frame, there is a podium.

And after about 20 seconds, my dad walks up to that podium.

Over the last six days, I've seen a ton of pictures of my dad. But now he's on my television screen. He's living and breathing.

And he's getting ready to speak.

I have no idea what this video is.

He reaches for a glass of water, takes a sip, and begins to speak.

He's nervous and now I'm nervous for him.

He begins his presentation and it slowly becomes clear to me what this video tape REALLY is.

My dad is in a presentation skills class.

It is so ironic because just a month ago, I went through a similar class at my work. And I now have a very similar video tape to the one that I'm watching.

I find myself getting caught up in his presentation. He is funny and his delivery is smooth. He has won over everyone that is in the room with his presentation.

He has won me over with his presentation.

And then I realize...he's better than me at this. That makes me laugh.

The presentation ends and he starts to get feedback from the facilitator and all of the class participants. I nearly pass out from laughing when my dad responds to the feedback that he made great eye contact with everyone by removing his glasses and saying, "Well, that's funny. Because I can't see any-fucking-one of you."

Laughter fills the room on the video tape and before I know it, the screen goes blue.

That's the end of the tape.

I hit the rewind button, wipe my eyes, and go find the Commander.

It's time to share this treasure from my father with her.



Blogger Ann said...

Still waiting for the Wood Lady...

*taps foot*

My brother's step-daughter made a board like that for us when my brother died.

When I read about the video you found of your dad I had to laugh. I had recorded my father playing piano two days before he died. He played by ear and for years I'd meant to capture it on tape. Finally did. He finished the piece and turned toward the camera and smiled. The next footage was his funeral procession. It still hurts, but that old line from "Ghost" says it best: the love you feel, you take it with you.

It stays here too.

BTW - did your dad leave you out of the will or do I have to wait for that too?? You got me by the neck here!

Thanks for the kind note and Happy Halloween!

2:56 PM  
Blogger JVW said...

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5:58 PM  
Blogger JVW said...

Thanks for the feedback on my blog. I really appreciate it. :)

I have always wanted to be some sort of writer but I never could find a voice that I was happy with.

When my dad passed away, I was practically exploding with stories and I knew that I needed to find an outlet. This site has been perfect for that.

Others that have read the site have enjoyed my chronological approach to my story and have encouraged me not to jump around.

I have a chapter going up tonight called Islands in the Stream and a chapter tomorrow that will about the eulogy I read for my father.

Next stop will be the funeral and reception.

I'm trying to keep each entry to somewhere between 750 and 1000 words so the funeral will definitely be multiple chapters.

The Wood Lady will make a brief appearance at the funeral and will continue to make appearances sporadically. Her story isn't complete yet (I just heard from her again this month) but there are some pretty significant revelations along the way.

And...I wasn't left out of the will. It was a phrase the my dad used anytime we made fun of him for being a goofball. It seemed like an appropriate name for the blog.

Thanks again for your feedback. I'm glad you're enjoying my story and I hope you stick around to see where this all goes.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Hope it didn't sound like I was demanding that you jump around. Just my way of expressing how much I'm enjoying this blog.

You're definitely a writer! You have a distinct voice and the rare and glorious gift of revealing just enough detail to enthrall the reader without bogging the story down. Believe me, not too many people can do that. This reads like it's professionally written.

Anyway, I don't want to fill your personal diary with my own journey through grief so I'll probably just read silently from now on unless I can't help myself ;)

Write on!


6:05 AM  
Blogger JVW said...

I appreciate the feedback more than you know and I encourage you to post here when it strikes you to do so.

This was my original vision for more blog and I'm glad that you found it.


6:19 PM  

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