Monday, November 14, 2005

Speed Bump

You never can tell who is going to show up at a funeral. I had not only completely blown my forecast for total attendance but I also had some pleasant surprises regarding some of our guests that had shown up.

Number 2 and I had a very special connection with one of them and I never would have known it if this person hadn't told me about it.

It goes back to when my parents had to put us in childcare.

We had a variety of babysitters throughout the years. Some definitely better than others. But we always had to call them by their last names. There was Mrs. Shoemaker down the street and Mrs. McDonald just a block away from school.

But my favorite was Speedy.

That wasn't her real name and I don't know how it became her nickname. It was an appropriate name though. She must have been 60 or so when we started going to her house to be watched. She was a short lady who always made sure that you were sitting six feet away from the tv (she measured). Speedy always had a smile.

And it was the Speedy show while we were there. She was on all of the time.

She would sing songs on her toy guitar or play you a game of Bible Memory ("I know I flipped over Moses somewhere over here...DAMN...Lot's wife again!).

it was always fun to be there.

We were also going there when something really bad almost happened to Number 2.

He and another boy were getting ready to leave our elementary school (you know, when it was "safe" to let a 7 year old walk home from school) when they were approached by an older teenager that was looking for a kid to molest.

Number 2 got away from him. The other kid didn't.

Instead of going to the school office to alert the staff of what was going on, Number 2 went to Speedy's.

The other kid showed up to Speedy's later. Crying and screaming at Number 2.


I felt bad that Number 2 was getting yelled at like that but I was glad that he got away. I never blamed him for taking off like that. The flight instinct took over and he ran to the one place that he new he'd be safe.

At Speedy's house.

Speedy had passed away a few years ago and I think my dad told me about it probably 3 months too late.

That would have been a service that I would have liked to go to.

This all flashed through my mind when Speedy's son introduced himself to me.

I didn't even know that Speedy had a son. I always thought of her as a slightly-nutty old lady that sang "My Dog Has Fleas" all of the time.

But she had a son.

And he was standing in front of me.

And he looks just like her.

Not really just like her. But he does have her smile and that's what I remembered the most.

I share with Speedy's son and daughter-in-law how much I enjoyed Speedy and tell them a few of the stories about her that I had.

What I appreciate most about Speedy's son is that, while his mother is gone, he's enjoying the stories that I"m sharing with him.

I can't wait to get to that place.

I want to hear about the funny things that my dad did or said and I want it not to hurt so much after.

I let Speedy's son go and tell him that it was great to meet him.

Speedy's son may not have expected it to happen but coming to this funeral ended up completely making his day.



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