Sunday, April 09, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

When it comes to taking care of the loose ends that my dad left, I'm probably batting around .500.

One thing that I've let go for quite some time is taking care of the cell phone contract that he purchased just before his death.

For a while now, it was just easier to pay the bill. Maybe it was the nightmare that Dish Network put me through when I was trying to cancel that service?

Anyway, this weekend I finally took care of it and cancelled my dad's phone service.

But not before he made one final call.

For that, we have to go back to Christmas Eve.

We were all over at the house of the Commander's sister opening presents and eating In-and-Out burgers (it's their family tradition...don't ask).

Number 2 uses his phone as his primary line so I didn't think anything when I heard his phone ring.

He pulled it out of his pocket and stared at screen.

He was sitting near the Commander and he showed her the screen before putting the phone back in his pocket.

I didn't find out what was going on until the next day.

He was back over at our house on Christmas morning and he showed me the call history on his phone.

The call history said it all - Dad.

I looked at Number 2 and asked where our dad's phone was at.

"It's sitting inside the nightstand next to my bed....and it has no charge," he replied.

"Why didn't you answer it?" I asked.

"It freaked me out. I was thinking of that Twilight Zone where the phone lines fell on the grave and the dead person was calling from beyond," he replied.

I couldn't argue with that logic. Made sense to me.



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