Sunday, March 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Pop!

Obviously, my posting has slowed quite a bit over the last three weeks.

Part of it is because I was crazy-sick for the better part of a month.

Part of it is because it has been crazy-busy at work too.

But most of all, it is because this day has been approaching.

Today is March 12th and my dad would have been 63 today.

I made arrangements with my wife to make sure that Number 2 would be here today. He's in the living room now getting tutored in math by my father-in-law. I didn't want him being alone today.

I took the Chicken out this morning and picked up a lemon meringue pie. We will have some later tonight before the Sopranos has their season premiere (my dad's favorite dessert and show).

And both Number 2 and I have had some weird moments today too. At his meeting this morning, the biblical story that was shared was about the Prodigal Son. As he sat there listening to it, he couldn't help but think that something weird was going on. The last conversation that we know our father having was with my grandma. It was all about the story of the Prodigal Son. He had heard it at the funeral that he attended the day before he died.

Freaky, huh?

My moment isn't nearly as strange. While the Chicken and I were out, I turned the Sirius radio to the Kid's Stuff channel (she doesn't need to listen to Stern just yet). The first full song to play was Polly Wolly Doodle which was one of the songs that we played at my dad's service.

Weird, huh?

What makes it a little weirder is that I left Number 2 and my father-in-law in the living room to be math buddies and went to the Chicken's room to take a nap. I turned on her CD player so I wouldn't be able to hear them and the first full song to play guessed it....Polly Wolly Doodle.

So, there's pretty much no chance of a nap now. I thought I'd come in here and quickly post this before going to the kitchen and having a piece of pie.

Happy birthday, Pop. We don't ever stop thinking about you.


PS....So after the Sopranos, the new Bill Paxton vehicle debuts on HBO. It's theme song you ask? God Only Knows by the Beach Boys. Today has been a weird day.


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