Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Big Booty Call - part three

It took five days but Fat Kathy did finally email me back.

After reading the letter that she had sent to my dad, I was a little nervous about double-clicking on what she sent me.

I shouldn't have been. There wasn't much to it.

Fat Kathy wrote:

Dear VW,

I am so sorry to hear that your dad has passed away. I just returned
from vacation and was very surprised and saddened by your message.
Thank you so much for notifying me. Even though it has been awhile since I
have talked to your dad, he still had a special place in my heart. I
would be most appreciative if you would please give me a call me a call
at your convenience, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Thank you.


Shit. Shit. Shit.

She wants me to call her.


Why did I send that email? Why didn't I just leave well enough alone?

And what questions does she want to ask me?

It takes me forever but I finally reply with some famous last words.

"I'll call you tomorrow."



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