Monday, January 30, 2006

F*ck You, Hooray for Me - part one

(The following story is courtesy of Number 2 - VW)

What next? Good question.

The reason I decided to quit my job I typed that I thought there are so many reason I couldn't possibly name them all.

Last month my dad died.

He died four months after he retired. I don't want that.

He taught me a lot of things in life but, and I know this sounds gay, his death taught me the most important lesson.

14 years is a long time and I've been completely loyal to this company.

Some would say loyal to a fault.

I've made a lot of friends that have since left this company to work for the competition and a few of them have offered me jobs for more money and better hours.

I always turned them down because I loved this company.

I believed in it.

I had the WHATEVER IT TAKES attitude to provide the service our customers demand.

I don't feel that anymore.

One day I realized I was going to quit. I started asking the people in my life I care about what they thought about me quitting my job.

Not one person said don't. My brother only asked me to wait until we met with the lawyer to figure out my dad's estate. That blew me away. All those people knew I wasn't happy and all those people want me to be happy.

So what's next? The simple answer is I DON'T KNOW!

I may go back to school.

I may look for a new job outside this industry (still loyal even though I don't feel it).

I'm going to hang out with my baby niece who is turning 2 soon. I've been telling people I'm going to be a stay at home uncle.

I will write more.

I will bike to the beach more.

I will read.

I will quit smoking and drinking.

I will live my life.

And most important I will be happy.

Number 2


Blogger Helene said...

OK... I speak from the experience of dealing with the grief of losing a parent... careful not to make any more permanent decisions until the dust settles.(I am not saying this wasnt the right decision mind you, but it was impulsive) I think there are really valuable lessons that come from the experience, but it was my shrink(ok 'grief counselor') that said that now is not the time to solve the problems of the world, just get through the days... Let yourself heal so that you can see the forest through the trees... good luck!

11:26 AM  
Blogger JVW said...


Thank you very much for checking out my blog and for posting on one of my chapters.

I appreciate the feedback very much.

I (VW) have made the choice to put off any permanent decisions until July of 2006. My brother (Number 2) was unfortunately not in the same position that I was and really was forced to make some tough decisions over the course of the last six months.

He had to do what he ended up doing and it's the first time that I've seen him happy in a long time.

And you are right about not trying to solve all of the problems in the world during this time when you are trying to heal. It is tough enough just trying to make it through another day when you are going through a loss like this.

Anyway - thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll come back again.


9:04 PM  

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