Monday, January 30, 2006

The Reading of the Will

I guess I really have watched too many television shows or movies. I expected that meeting with my father's attorney would be at least a little dramatic.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

I had never met Alex but while going through my dad's paperwork I had the chance to see a lot of his work. I knew that he had helped my dad out quite a bit with a problem that he had with his ex-girlfriend, T.J. Reading all of the documents that he had sent her only confirmed what I had already known.

My uncle and aunt had just returned from a vacation in Hawaii on the red eye and were drinking coffee in the parking lot when I got there. Number 2 was right behind me and parked on the other side of my car. He just got off of work and just wants to go to sleep.

I went to the trunk to pull out the box of my dad's financial papers and we headed over to Alex's office.

Alex went to school with my uncle but he looks about 10 years older than him. He doesn't really look like your typical Orange County lawyer. More like a reformed Berkeley lawyer.

His assistant offer us drinks but I just want to get down to business. Alex spends some time talking about how much he liked our father and how hard my dad pushed him to get all of this work on his estate completed. Some of it was literally completed a week before his death.

Alex goes over everything in detail and there really isn't anything here that surprises me. He takes the pink slip for my dad's truck and assures me that it will be put on our name. We are going to have to figure out where that truck gets parked until we can sell it.

My uncle lets us know that we are going to have a bill from Alex and I acknowledge it. I understand that even this meeting is billable.

I ask Alex if it is okay for us to proceed with putting tenants into the duplex and he says that's fine. He recommends that in a month of so, Number 2 and I open up a joint checking account to manage the rent and bills for the duplex.

Number 2 has been quiet this entire time. He hasn't said a word.

"Number 2, do you have any questions for me?" asked Alex.

A droopy-eyed Number 2 stretched back to life and asked, "Yeah, can I quit my job?"

Alex didn't really know how to answer this and I told him that I wanted to wait until we spoke to him before we made any rash decisions.

"Your father did all of this so you boys could do exactly what you wanted to do. If you want to quit, go ahead."

"That's all I wanted to know," replied Number 2.

And with that, a genuine smile appeared on Number 2's face for what seemed like the first time since our dad died.



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