Saturday, September 30, 2006

Get the Message Right - Part one

The last month has been a crazy one for me.

70+ hours per week at work.

The Commander barfing almost non-stop (who has morning sickness for 9 months?).

The Chicken finally hitting the terrible two's.

Moving to a new house without selling our old one first. (The old one finally sold).

As one of my friends might put it, there hasn't been a lot of "me" time lately.

Things have calmed down a bit so I took a three day weekend as we leave September and head into October.

After taking the Chicken to pre-school, I thought I'd take the day to do a couple of things that I had been meaning to do for a while.

I hadn't had a chance to check out the marker that we finally got for my father's grave.

And while I was out there, there was something else that I needed to check out that Number 2 told me about.

Number 2 wears a lot of the t-shirts that have to do with my dad's employer. I'm not sure why he still wears them.

He was at a meeting one night and a guy approached him and asked if Number 2 worked there.

Number 2 shared with him that he was retired and that he had received this shirt from his father who used to work there.

The guy that approached Number 2 put something together and realized that he knew who our father was and that he had passed away last year.

In fact, he thought that the place that my dad had worked at had put up some sort of plaque to honor his memory.

Number 2 told me about this months ago.

I wanted to see that plaque.

And since that location was really close to the graveyard, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone on my big day off.

I decided to go to his work first.