Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ghostdusters - Part II

The Six Million Dollar Man is on and my parents marriage is ending with Oscar Goldman speaking in the background.

The girl that I've broken up with everyone for is now breaking up with me and it's the last time I'll ever see her.

I race my Big Wheel into a chain link fence and rip off my thumbnail.

Number 2 and I are in the bathtub together and my dad is crying and saying goodbye. He's just been kicked out of the house.

I'm losing my virginity to Lori and I can't believe that it is finally happening. It's the best birthday present you can possibly get when you are 17.

I say goodbye to Patti. She's moving to Chino and I break up with my best friend's step sister.

A drunk lady is calling for my dad out at the open front door. My dad is asleep (passed out?) on the floor and I try to wake him up. She's freaking me out.

It's 3 a.m. and I'm pinwheeling in the bathroom. My dad picks me up and puts me in the bathtub.

My mom beats both Number 2 and I because we've drawn the letter P on every wall of our bedroom.

I win five bucks from my dad's boss after Larry Holmes beats Gerry Cooney.

A neighbor bangs on my door and begs me to call to the cops. Her mom is killing her sister.

A front window breaks and I hide under the NFL sheets on my bed.

I bring the Chicken over for the first time. I don't let go of her. There are at least three guns out in the open.

Santa Claus visits us but it doesn't make sense to me. How did he get in? We don't have a chimney.

I've come home late and my dad didn't know where I was. He punches a hole in the wall. He patches it but never paints over the patch.

I fall in the street while playing kickball. I still have the scar on my elbow.

My friend Nick torches a Castle Greyskull playset that belongs to the kid I babysit across the street.

Number 2 and I watch from our bedroom as our parents renew their wedding vows. Jokers Wild is on in the background.

I spill a glass of milk on my brand new Intellivision. My dad gets mad because I shake the milk out of it on to the carpet.

My dad and I watch every episode of Moonlighting together.

I'm 13 and I stop giving my dad a good night kiss. I'm too old for that I tell him.

Number 2 and I are crying because we don't know that our parents went to the other unit in the duplex to paint after we went to bed.

I move back in after a fight with my Mom. I'm 11 and my dad tells my grandma that he now has a reason to live.

My dad's out of town and I have a party at my house for the last time. I don't get caught but it just wasn't worth it.

I bring the Chicken over for the last time. My dad and I take her to the Long Beach Aquarium. He's exhausted after two hours with her.

My dad puts my Schwinn Cruiser in the back of his El Camino and takes me to school. I'll ride the bike home.

A motorcycle takes the corner in front of my house too fast and crashes into us. It's the first traffic accident that I've been in.

I silently cry in the bathroom after my dad tells me to go "nuke my face" to take care of the acne that has appeared upon entering puberty.

We pack up and move out of the duplex. I'll get my own bedroom at our new house. I'm 6 years old.

I'm back at the duplex with my sister-in-law. We are here to pack everything up the day after my dad's funeral.



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