Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pennies from Heaven

I don't know what happens to you after you die.

Our nanny, Loopey, left me a copy of the Watchtower that explained death as like taking a really long nap.

As much as I enjoy a good nap, I'd be really disappointed if that is what the afterlife is like.

I'd like to think it is more like what Albert Brooks found in "Defending Your Life" or what Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken discovered in Brainstorm (where you jump around to the best memories of your life for eternity).

I was thinking about this when my Mom asked me a random question.

"VW, have you been finding pennies?"

I had to ask her to repeat the question. It made no sense to me. Why would she ask me about that?

She went on to explain.

"Every few years, Dear Abby runs a story about how when a loved one passes, those that are left behind find pennies all over the place. The story goes that the deceased put pennies near you to let you know that they are thinking about you and that they are okay."

"Okay, I've never heard that story. What's your point, Mom?"

"VW, I'm finding pennies everywhere. I'm finding them where they shouldn't be. I can't go anywhere without finding lots and lots of pennies."

Great. My mom is losing it. Call John Edwards. It's time for Crossing Over.

The pennies conversation ended and I forgot about it until I went to my car the next morning to go get a newspaper.

There were ten pennies in my driveway.



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